Welcome to Hogfish
Hogfish is committed to inclusivity and accessibility. If you are interested in attending one of our events and cannot afford it or have accessibility needs, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
All are welcome at all of our events.
Between the Sea & ME
A grief ritual for modern humans
Sunday, April 6th
The Wells Reserve at Laudholm
Wells, ME
This event, and the sliding scale ticket pricing to make it accessible to our community (tickets start at $10), is made possible by a generous grant from the Onion Foundation as well as our partner and host site, the beautiful Wells Reserve at Laudholm.
There is a lot of grief working its way through the world at large right now as well as right here in our own local community - grief as well as anger, fear, anxiety, exhaustion, and numbness, to name a few other feelings.
Division in our discourse mirrors division in our news sources, in our own minds and bodies, in our families and friendships, and in our experience of the very land that supports all of us.
So we do something new that is actually very old - we call for a grief ritual to help our community process what it is experiencing and re-connect to what is important and life-giving. We come together so we can reconnect with each other. We reconnect with our breath and our bodies, with our emotions. We reconnect with our voices by journaling and sharing, by singing and dancing. And we reconnect to the land we are blessed to call home with a final ritual on the beach at beautiful Wells Reserve.
This event will include:
the chance for you to share a place that is important to you through a photo or story
poetry and song
an invocation to the unseen world through spoken word and drumming
time to grieve and have that grieving witnessed and held
grounding somatic movement practices to help us find deep support as we unwind and soften the bracing in our bodies
the creation of a beautiful shrine
micro-rituals of guided writing practices that include an opportunity to share and witness in small groups
A closing shamanic ritual on the beach by the ocean
dancing together to let our feelings move through us and back into the world
Robin Wall Kimmerer writes, “If grief can be a doorway to love, then let us all weep for the world we are breaking apart so we can love it back to wholeness again.’"
People who are deeply concerned for the current state of the world and what can be done in our community
People who are experiencing feelings of loneliness and disconnect from community
People who are experiencing feelings of disconnect from the land and all the support the physical world has to offer
People who are experiencing feelings of sadness, grief, anger, anxiety, fear, numbness, pain, or overall disconnect
People who are looking for ways to process their feelings
People who are looking to build community with others who share similar feelings
People who work in ecology and/or well-being and would like support in their work and the interconnections between ecology and well-being
Awareness of the power and importance of gathering as a community to witness and express deep feelings
Respect and gratitude for grief and other deep feelings and the important role they plays in our lives
Approaches for navigating and comfort with processing grief and other deep feelings individually and as a community
Recognition that we are not alone in bearing these feelings
The climate is changing. Temperatures and tensions are rising in our environment, our communities, and ourselves. Industrialization and the digital world have lifted billions out of poverty, and yet, with the rise of wealth has also come the rise of inequality, toxic carbon levels, fraught public discourse, and sedentary lifestyles. Hogfish is inspired by heroes, sung and unsung, working to restore wellness to global, social, and personal realms.
Hogfish believes that applying the principles of regenerative agriculture to the arts provides a unique opportunity to holistically restore every layer of the human experience. We are on a quest to build an artistic sanctuary and body of work to restore a healthier dynamic balance between our planet, the stories we tell, and the way we live.
The Wells Reserve at Laudholm is dedicated to understanding, protecting, and restoring coastal ecosystems through research, stewardship, environmental learning, and community outreach. As a public-private partnership between the federally-supported Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Maine nonprofit Laudholm Trust, together, we promote science, education, and conservation around the Gulf of Maine, maintain restored historic buildings, and steward protected wildlife habitats. The reserve is open every day from 7amto sunset for outdoor recreation, with seven miles of trails and many public programs. Learn more at wellsreserve.org.
Support organizations that empower people in their communities to live healthy and vibrant lives by…
Protecting the environment through education and research
Removing barriers and creating access to outdoor recreational experiences
Providing resources to adapt to a changing climate
Cultivating and educating future environmental stewards and leaders
Promoting access to local music, theater, dance, and visual arts
Preserving the many strong art and music programs that exist today
Establishing new art and music programs for the future
Advancing music and the arts education
Creating community-focused participatory arts experiences
Portland, ME
A New Kind of Regenerative Artist
June 5 - August 3 2025
Photo Credit: Nick Johnson

Portland, ME
A New Kind of Regenerative Artist Residency
A unique, holistic
Regenerative Artist Residency
We are creating a holistic retreat for performing artists to connect with themselves, their community, and the land to regenerate their creative fire and change the world. We seek to empower and commission the next generation of diverse artistic voices across disciplines to tell stories that regenerate creative and physical health to their bodies, their communities, and their planet.
All Hogfish artists-in-REsidence receive performance opportunities, education, travel, housing, and a Stipend.
There is no fee to apply and no age limit. We actively seek performers of all disciplines (acting, singing, dance, instrumental), styles, ages, body shapes and abilities, gender & sexuality expressions, and ethnic backgrounds.
Like our namesake Hogfish, we seek to balance forms of performance - creating both whole group and individual regenerative works. Artists-in-residence are cast to fulfill the needs of and devise together the summer’s flagship production. Artists are also asked to bring a personal regenerative project that they will work on during their residency. Every effort will be made to pair artists-in-residence together for whom it would be mutually beneficial to work on each other’s projects. These personal projects will be presented on our Farm to Stage series with a chance for audience talk backs to help further develop your work.
The residency makes ample time for artists to connect to their own creative fire as well as the beautiful landscape of Maine. Each week will offer time for individual artists to work on their own projects in addition to group rehearsal, scenic walks in the glory of Maine nature in summer, time in the Beckett Castle rose garden and by the ocean, as well as company class in regenerative arts techniques including mindfulness, ecology, Alexander Technique, and more.
All Hogfish artists have the opportunity to receive private lessons in Alexander Technique, Reiki, and other healing modalities to regenerate their creative and physical health.
Partners & Community Sponsors

Partners & Season Sponsors
Great people
& organizations
We are honored to be making art for, with, and among an incredible community of people and organizations. Thank you to our major partners & sponsors for the summer 2025 regenerative arts residency and season!